

4G So I Can Study

The Right to Education is a fundamental human right acknowledged by dozens of international law treaties.

For this right to be fulfilled during a global pandemic, reliable access to the internet is no longer a bonus but a fundamental tool for learning. However, with the economic downturn hitting the poorest the hardest, this access to education is withheld from those who need it most.

Indeed, with schools closed and incomes spread thin, many families in the Pavão-Pavãozinho and Cantagalo favelas are struggling to pay rent, let alone ensure their children have access to the internet on the one family device.

4G So I Can Study aims to remove this as a problem for our kids so they can continue their development. The project aims to fundraise enough to cover 4G for 300 families over a period of 6 months.

Just €6 connects 1 household to the internet for 1 month. This is more than access to a classroom: for many, it is a fundamental key to a better life.

Become a bronze donor for €54

Give 3 households access to the internet for 3 months

Receive access to our exclusive e-book with behind-the-scenes details of our Covid-relief fund and emergency response.

Become a silver donor for €90

Give 5 households access to the internet for 3 months

Receive access to our exclusive e-book and a personalised video from a family thanking you for your donation.

Become a gold donor for €180

Give 10 households access to the internet for 3 months

Receive our exclusive e-book and personalised videos from a family and our founder Diana Nijboer thanking you for your donation.

Become a platinum donor for €270

Give 15 households access to the internet for 3 months

All a gold donor receives + a 1-on-1 call with our founder to discuss anything about EduMais you wish + a dedicated social media shoutout (if desired).

4G So I Can Study Fund

The amount raised to connect our students to the internet so far. The percentage calculation is based on the prediction that an internet connection will be needed for 6 months, though this may increase.

Target €10800 Donate




Internet Connection


  • Why 6 months?

Currently, the schools in Rio are poised to open in July, so it will no longer be a prime necessity for students to have access to the internet.

  • Why 300 families? Don’t you have 400 students?

Many of our students are siblings! We are covering 4G per household as often there is only one device per family.

  • Why are you providing 4G rather than cable internet?

Not only is 4G cheaper, in a context where there is no reliable source ofelectricity, it provides a more consistent connection. It is also much simpler and cheaper to install, as it requires only a sim rather than cables!