

After-School Program

Children in Rio attend school either in the morning or the afternoon. If their parents work, this can leave them unsupervised for long periods of time.

This can have terrible consequences. For example, children not enrolled in after-school programs are 50% more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol, three times more likely to skip classes, and five times more likely to fail in school.

Our After-School Program supervises children from the Pavão-Pavãozinho and Cantagalo favelas during the high-risk after-school hours. The program gives them the chance to continue to develop their academic and personal skills, rather than getting into trouble.

The children we serve are aged between six and ten. Group size is around five, though we hope to expand this in the future.

Activities include Portuguese, homework assistance, English lessons, literacy, games, sports, yoga, and arts and crafts. We also take the children on trips out of the community to enjoy Rio’s many attractions. They have already been to places as varied as the botanical gardens, Parque Lage, Leme fort and the Morro da Urca. They also never say no to a trip to the beach!

Boy eating healthy food at NGO in favela in Rio de Janeiro

How the Program Works

Depending on volunteer availability, the program runs between one and four days a week. It takes place on the premises of “Centro de Apoio” in Quebra-Braço, Cantagalo.

At the moment, between three and five children typically attend. As confidence in the program grows in the community, we are hoping to extend the reach of the program to more children.

In order to best support the development of our children, we focus on having the same kids in the program for a predefined period of time. As good nutrition is also essential for development, we provide the children with healthy snacks, like fruit salads and sandwiches.

As with all our programs, Positive Discipline and Social and Emotional Learning play a vital role. For example, we teach the children the importance of responsibility by involving them in the cleaning at the end of the day.

A Typical Day

We believe that a good, balanced program is the best way of preparing our children for a brighter future. Therefore, a typical afternoon timetable looks something like this:

14.00-14.15: Greeting. How is everyone feeling today?
14.15-14.45: Homework assistance
14.45-15.15: English practice
15.15-15.30: Snack
15.30-16.15: Main activity e.g. art
16.15-16.45: Free play
16.45-17.00: Clearing up and compliments

EduMais after-school students wash up their plates with Ed, a volunteer in Rio de Janeiro with EduMais

Would you also like to support the kids on our after-school program?

Volunteer for free with us in Rio de Janeiro and make a real difference in the lives of these children!

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